
Yerba Mate Reviews

In 1900 Don Miguel Gerula arrived in Argentina accompanied by his father and other relatives and settled in Colonia de San José in the Province of Misiones. He started working on this land and in 1926 formed a company Miguel José Gerula, extending yerba mate plantations, optimizing dryers and trademarking yerba mate Romance which today is known in the province for its quality that always differentiated them from other manufacturers.

Romance logo

Today, Gerula S.A. is an established producer of yerba mate that earned a privileged place in the domestic market and is rapidly growing in the international market. Quality is still their main focus, which is achieved by fully automated processes and a total control over yerba mate production, starting from planting seeds and taking care of the yerba mate bushes, all the way down to drying, aging and packaging the final product.

Official website

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