Del Cebador

Yerba Mate Reviews

Yerba mate brand Del Cebador belongs to a food company Molino Puritas (Rapenor S.A.), which was founded in 1915 and has very strong positions on the Uruguayan food market — you can literally find their products in almost every single kitchen in this country.

Del Cebador logo

This Uruguayan gem is quite humble brand that is not very well known in the world of yerba mate. Del Cebador lineup consists of just 2 products — the “clásica” and “intenso”.

The entire industrial complex of the company is located on an area of 50 hectares on the outskirts of Montevideo. About 12000 square meters are occupied by storage, laboratories, workshops for processing and packaging of raw materials, as well as administrative and commercial offices.

Official website

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